Big Mess No. 1; January 2 - 5, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 51 x 64
Big Mess No. 2; January 2 - 5, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 51 x 64
A Historic Prediction No. 2; February 22, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 50 x 32 | Private collection
A Historic Prediction No. 1; February 22, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 60 x 36
8th Snowiest No. 1; March 10, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 60 x 36
8th Snowiest No. 2; March 10, 2023 | acrylic and collected snow on canvas | 60 x 36
Autumn Frost; November 11, 2022 | acrylic, collected Cascade Falls water and sediment on canvas | 36 x 48
In Minneapolis, the winter of 2022 - 2023 was the third snowiest season on record with a total accumulation of 89.7” through April 1, 2023. These paintings celebrate the many expressions of winter’s water as snow, ice and frost, and are a reminder of the unpredictable impacts of the climate crisis on the Midwest’s changing seasons.